2023 Clark County Libertarian Party Convention
This is your opportunity to impact the greatest political party in U.S. history. Come join a bunch of fellow Libertarians at Sierra Gold to elect a new LPCCNV Executive Committee and amend bylaws.
There is no cost to attend the convention; however, to participate in voting for amendments or officers you must be a dues-paying member of the Clark County LP. To be a dues-paying member, you must be registered as a Libertarian in Nevada and have donated $25 within the past year. These dues can be paid at the convention.
To be considered in convention all bylaw amendment proposals must be presented in writing to the LPCCNV Secretary at least seven days before the Convention. You can email the Clark County Secretary, Liz DelSignore, at her email address [email protected].
Try to arrive on time so we can make it through the credentialing process in a timely manner. There will be free continental breakfast for dues-paying members!
Hope to see you there!
April 08, 2023 at 9:00am - 2pm
Sierra Gold Banquet Room
6515 S Jones Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89118
United States
Google map and directions